Saturday, June 26, 2010

just a difference of 5 years....

Vivienne Elise, you have been with us for 6 years now and you constantly amaze and delight. i know it's a bit cliche and all parents will say this, but it's true. you are wonderful! i should also note that the amaze part isn't always a good thing though.... like when you wiped your hands on a beautiful dress after falling against a t-shirt that had wet fabric paint on it. with all my experience in dealing with paints, and even fabric paints, i drew a blank and couldn't quite get the dress back to normal. *sigh* please stop wiping your hands on your clothes!
but you are in many ways so accomplished. writing your stories, drawing your pictures, even reading your books. the little one year old that you were in the picture above told me nothing of what you are today. it's such a slow unfoldment that i don't often take notice of it until you are in full bloom- and i'm sorry that i am slow to celebrate when this happens. but i don't do justice to the young lady that you are becoming. trying to be helpful, quick to share and care, and yes, show off. pretend playing with your sisters- school, wedding, "cyberchase"...and with your friends, playing princess and clubhouse.... all these things and more are a part of a day with you, Miss V. thank you. and happy 6th birthday!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

things i don't want to forget

V- apparently even in your dreams i don't answer you. the other night while you were sleeping we heard. "Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom" (with increasing volume,varying intensity) then you gave up and fell silent. i forgot about it. (habit)
Will asked what you were dreaming about and you said that you wanted to ask me something about God.

also you girls always call tombstones when we pass a cemetery "word rocks"* not sure where that came from but it makes me smile.

*i thought they called them word rocks but yesterday they told me that they are "name rocks".

Sunday, June 6, 2010

sing and sign

all of the kindergarten classes have been learning how to sign songs all year and they had their concert on Friday. V did well considering the concert went on and on. i only saw her yawn once. and well she does tend to get distracted but when she's on, she ON! like doing her "thank you" sign at the end of the songs. she's very polite on stage.

also taking into account the length of the event, PO and B were great. they only started to bicker once and then they got distracted. distraction is my best friend and my worst enemy.

there were points when B or PO were trying to copy the kids singing and it was almost as cute as the kids doing the concert. wish i had a real camcorder so that i could do better video but this is enough to get the idea. it would also help if i didn't have two little girls trying to climb me and pull my arms while i am taking video. this song was B's favorite she continued to sing it the rest of the day. singing "oh what a chemical am i!" i will refrain from comment on B singing "chemical" for the moment. (in case you don't understand the kids they are singing "oh what a miracle am i") here are the little miracles!

oh and if you can't see her, V is right behind the little girl in the light purple dress who is not dressed like the others.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

and here V is!

finally caught up w/ V and got to see her amazing efforts to ride a bike unaided. note: B has been practicing all day, unfair advantage.

yet another milestone

this past monday while i was at work the girls decided that they needed to ride their bikes without the training wheels. Baxter across the street has been riding for about a month or so and they saw another young friend Mia riding around the block with her mom monday morning without her training wheels. since both Mia and Baxter are younger than V, i mentioned that maybe we should spend some time with the girls soon so they could maybe master this.

so the girls begged Will and the training wheels came off. according to accounts Will almost didn't have the bolts tightened on B's bike before she was on it and trying to pedal away. he took one step and realized she didn't need him holding her. done. she is biking without assistance. crashed a couple of times in the grass but has since mastered start and stop and only topples when she turns too sharp.

V was a little shakey and didn't get it right away but Will said she was not discouraged. i was a bit worried at first that V wouldn't want to keep trying if B mastered it first but she is determined. while i was at work on tuesday she figured it out and now needs no assistance as well.

the girls are growing up even if i'm not around to view it.

tuesday morning B made me come out in the rain to see her new skill. she is so proud and so am i.

running into summer!!

i can't believe we are within a month of finishing up school. and before we know it we are going to be swimming and doing summer camp. unfortunately with Phoebe having a late birthday she once again misses out on the activities. we will have to think of something special for her to do.

V is making great strides in school. she has lots of basic stuff down. she likes reading. she writes stories. adds and subtracts. and is a very good artist. as soon as i can figure out how i want to make one or two of her pieces into cards. who knows maybe she will take over the Christmas card this year.

B draws the best people in the world. she is full of expression but definitely trademark Beatrice. she can read a few words and write her name. i am amazed at what 4 year old B can do! her teachers think that she is very emotionally mature although i would disagree when she throws a tantrum or gets frustrated. she counts with V and is getting the concept of adding down. one more year of preschool. it will be interesting what that will bring.

PO is hot to keep up with the sisters. she is a chatterbox and rides her tricycle like nobody's business. her drawings are a bit like straight lines but very controlled so i know that she's getting it. she counts and may even understand what she is doing. and her pretend play is the best.

every year there is a marathon in Burlington called the Vermont City Marathon. the organization that sponsors it also does an event for the kids the day before. it is called the y.a.m. scram. the kids can run a half mile, mile or two mile course. the girls were invited by the neighbors to join them for the scram. they finished the half mile and it was tons of fun. once again Phoebe was disappointed that she was not able to participate but she made up for it by being an excellent cheerleader.

the video shows the kids warming up. they take this very seriously and will be great contenders if they take up running in the future.