i don't know if i've ever mention this, but Vivi talks alot about being a mom. she will help me by getting something for Phoebe and say, "see mom. i'm going to be a good mommy when i am big." last night, Will said that when he was cleaning the kitchen, V started talking about being a good mom. she used to ask occasionally why Phoebe drank from my "paws". on a few occasions, i corrected her and explained that babies drink from their mother's breasts. again, last night she told Will that she would be a good mom and feed her baby from her "paws". it is comical that she has decided this the the name. i have no idea where she gets this notion from and she can't explain it to me.
as far as Beatrice being a good mom....yesterday she decided that Phoebe should use the potty. we were reading her current favorite book. My Big Girl Potty. not sure why she likes this since she has mastered the potty but we read it at least once a day lately. so we start to talk with Phoebe about using the potty. Phoebe has the word "potty" down. so B thinks she needs to use the potty. we go get the little potty, just for Phoebe and B proceeds to show Phoebe how to use the potty. we get P on the potty and she's not so sure this is where she wants to be. i let her off the hook while B throws a fit, insisting that she use the potty. later i find B trying to take P's pants off telling her it's time to use the potty. Phoebe is not happy. i had to intervene. i hope this does not backfire on any potty training efforts for P.
on a tangent...Phoebe has taken to laughing every night when we get dressed for bed. she finds the word pajamas to be very funny. she will say "jamaa" and laugh. over and over. then the other day i noticed that she gets fussy when we try to get her dressed for the day. we thought it was just a i-don't-want-to-be-naked thing but she started saying "jamaa" and crying. i think it is a sad thing for her to take off her pajamas. she gets over it quickly though when i let her pick out her own outfit. i now have three girls who want to dress themselves and apparently think that my fashion sense is, well...not for them. sorry mom, if i ever gave you grief over my clothes.